Posted on 7/25/2022

We all know that we have to change the oil in our car every few months or so. But what other fluids does your car need? Here is a list of fluids that needs to be changed and how often you should change them. 1. Motor oil How often: Every 3,000 miles or every 3 months, whichever comes first.Also, check your car's manual. Some newer cars can go longer between oil changes. 2. Transmission fluid How often: Every 30,000 miles or every 2 years, whichever comes first.This fluid helps keep your car's transmission cool and lubricated. 3. Coolant How often: Every 30,000 miles or every 2 years, whichever comes first.Coolant helps keep your engine cool. It's important to keep the level full and clean to prevent rust and corrosion. 4. Brake fluid How often: Every 30,000 miles or every 2 years, whichever comes first.Brake fluid helps transfer the force from your foot on the pedal to the brakes. Over time, brake fluid can absorb water, which can lead to rust and corrosion. 5. Pow ... read more
Posted on 6/30/2022

Every driver should have the skill of knowing how to check their motor oil. Frequent monitoring of your engine oil can help you catch engine issues early on so that you don’t end up with costly repairs. If you want your engine to last, please remember to routinely check and replenish your engine with clean oil. Inspecting your motor oil can be as easy as pumping gas or changing your wiper blades. Read on to learn the step-by-step process of checking your engine oil with the dipstick. Step 1 - Park your vehicle on an even ground service so that the oil is evenly distributed. Step 2 - Switch off your engine and wait for the motor to cool down. Step 3 - Open the hood and locate the dipstick. The oil dipstick is sometimes yellow or orange with a hood or ring that you can pull on. Step 4 - Remove the dipstick and wipe it well with a paper towel or rag. Step 5 - Put the dipstick back in, and remove it once more. Step 6 - The oil dipstick should have markings or ind ... read more
Posted on 5/29/2022

Spring is here, which means pollen is becoming more and more prevalent. You may be greeted with allergies, yellow windshields, and dirty air filters galore. According to the professionals at Chicane Motorsport, many people neglect this crucial part of their car care this time of year. It isn’t until they can’t stop sneezing or experience car issues that they take action. What Are Air Filters Air filters are essential to keep you and your car healthy. There are two types of air filters in every car. The first filter is the engine air filter, and it is responsible for stopping dust, pollen, and other pollutants from getting into the engine. The other type is the cabin air filter, which serves to protect the air in which you break inside the car. As a result, you can get fresh and clean air blowing from your vents. When Should You Change These Filters With all the pollen floating around, now is the ideal time to replace your filters at Chicane Motorsport. The sooner you ha ... read more
Posted on 4/20/2022

Spring is the best time for cleaning your car, making it fresh and spotless. The long and dreary winters hardly inspire vehicle maintenance. With snowy weather, frosty conditions, icy, sandy, dirty, and gravelly roadways making all sorts of grime accumulate on the outside and the inside of your car. It can be tough to emphasize car maintenance when you often, routinely, and firstly have to deal with snow shoveling to use your car. No matter the climate, your automobile still benefits from these ways to freshen up your car for spring. Wash the underside of the car. Use a water hose to spray every observable area under your vehicle so that dirt and salt get washed away. Wash the headlights and taillights. Wipe the front and rear lights on the car using a damp cloth to remove the dirt and clear up the haze. With cleaned lamps, the amount of light emanating from the vehicle will increase, and the night visibility of the car improves. Clean the Interior Move seats forward or backward ... read more
Posted on 3/15/2022

Your shocks and struts are vital to the overall integrity of your suspension system. When either part starts to feel, it could lead to a catastrophe. So how can you tell when your shocks and struts need to be serviced? Before we can answer this question it’s important for you to know the distinction between shocks versus struts. Struts are a major part of your suspension system, and they act as a shock absorber while providing structural support for the overall system. Whereas, shock absorbers only have one job: to absorb the shock from bumps on the road. Shocks do not support the way of your vehicle as struts do. Some vehicles have one or the other, or a combination of both. Below are the warning signs of aging shocks and struts: Vehicle dipping and veering If your vehicle dramatically leans left or right on turns, it could mean that your shocks or struts are worn. The front end of your vehicle may also dip down when you come to a stop. Shakiness at high spe ... read more