Posted on 10/27/2022

Tires will naturally undergo wear and tear due to constant usage. Tires help maintain your car's efficiency, and need to be in good condition for an optimal driving experience. Some various actions or situations will lead to the premature deterioration of tires. The following is what can wear down tires prematurely: Improper Air Pressure Improper inflation of car tires is one of the primary factors that can lead to premature tire wear and tear. The sign of improperly inflated tires will be visible on the outside edge of the treads. When the tire pressure is too high, the middle of the treads will be pronounced. You have to worry more about low tire pressure because tires lose air pressure as you drive. On the other hand, it is crucial to know the optimal tire pressure for your tires to properly inflate them. Not Getting Tire Rotations Tires on the same vehicle will undergo varying amounts of deterioration. The front right tire, in particular, experiences the most damage becaus ... read more