Posted on 8/23/2021

Surely you've heard the saying, having a car is like having a child. Right? I never realized how accurate that statement is until I had a vehicle of my own. You have to consistently inspect your car's health, especially if it is blowing out smoke. By paying attention to the color of the exhaust smoke and using the rest of your senses, you will be able to diagnose what the issue may be. WHITE, BLUE, OR BLACK SMOKE, WHAT DOES IT MEAN? WHITE SMOKE If your exhaust is emitting white smoke it's normally water vapor, which typically happens on cold days. This is caused by condensation and naturally collects in the exhaust system. This is common in vehicles. However, this may also mean a blown head gasket or that coolant has entered into the combustion chamber. The only way to know for sure is by visiting our experts for a thorough inspection. BLUE OR GRAY SMOKE There is reason to worry if your ex ... read more